Reports generation
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Reports generation

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Article Summary

Generate Report is part of DocuSketch's full service return on investment.

Note: Reports can be generated on the new version of Web Portal. You have not switched to the new version or do not know how to do it, please contact our support team. 

Our Reports feature gives our clients the ability to gather project details into one report that can then be shared with operational partners, such as insurance carriers and employees within the customer's hierarchy.

The Generate Report feature allows our clients to gather sketches, dimensions, images, and claim information all in one efficient, simple to use place.

How to generate report

Let us generate a report to see how simple and convenient it is:

1. First, login to the DocuSketch Web Portal and clicking the "LOGIN" button on the upper right corner of the website page. Your web portal login credentials are identical to the credentials used to login to the DocuSketch mobile application:

2. Select the project for which you wish to generate a report and click the "Generate report" button at the right side of your chosen project:

3. You will then be redirected to the Generate Report page. You can then generate a report by clicking on the “Generate new report” button:

Note: We recommend that you order your sketch before generating the report. You will also be asked to order the sketch in the Generate Report page.

4. After clicking the "Generate new report" button, a sub-window will appear which has three tabs that include some information that is required to be filled in. Required information is indicated by the asterisk. Other details are optional, but will add value to your report. After filling in a tab, click the "Next" button at the lower right corner of the window to move to the next tab:

On the second tab, claim info can be edited. Mind that all of the changes made at this step will be automatically applied to your project and this data will be updated for it:

On the third tab, add one or more email addresses that will receive the report. Click "Generate report" in the lower right corner of the third tab:

5. Depending on the size of your project, it will take a few minutes to complete and appear on your web portal. When the report has completed, the email address included in the report information fields will receive a notification and link to the report. Note that you can run all the reports you wish as your project develops:

Each time you generate a new report after one was previously generated, all the fields you filled in before will be prefield for you with the information your provided for the report prior to the one which is being generated. You will be still able to edit this information.

6. Use the action buttons on the right side to delete reports, download reports or view report information:

7. When you download your report, it can be saved to your computer in PDF format and shared. Note that the report includes clickable fields that link you directly to that portion of your report. The sketches (for both the whole floors and separate rooms) are included on your report as well as comments and comment types:

If you are looking to complete the information in the Claim summary section, remember that the text there comes from the "Claim summary" field from the first step of report generation, along with all comments tagged with the Cause of Loss type.

8. Each 360° image in your project is included in the report along with the cubic images from the 360° image:

Each individual comment photo/video and text comment is also included if they are added.

Note: Reports can be also generated and downloaded by clicking on the "Download" button on the project card:

Scroll down to the bottom of the window and find the Reports section. Under it you can generate new reports, download one report you need or all of them at the same time:

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