My projects are not loading. What can I do?
  • 18 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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My projects are not loading. What can I do?

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Article summary

Check if you see an "Upload needed" badge on the project card.

If you see the badge, please upload the project again:

The project may have been incompletely uploaded due to the following reasons:

  • Battery of the camera or the mobile device died.
  • The mobile device screen is locked.
  • You received phone calls or texts during the upload.
  • A weak upload speed interfered with the upload.
  • Internet connectivity issues interfered with the upload.

Check if you have all the 360° images.

In most cases, a project will not load because the project did not complete its upload. If you have new 360° images, all that is needed to be done is to upload the project again.

If you don't see the 360° image on your app but are sure you have taken it, you can plug the camera into your computer to check if the image is there.

In case you don't see the "Upload needed" badge, simply update the project by making a few changes to the project name or room name.

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