Estimates Without Tours
  • 10 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Estimates Without Tours

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Article summary

Note: If you have a DocuSketch project that you need an estimate for, you do not need to submit an estimate using this method. Instead, you will submit your estimate in the normal way following the steps outlined here

To request an estimate without creating a project, sign in to the Web Portal using your credentials and follow next steps:

1. Select the "Estimates without tours" tab in the top navigation bar and then click "Request estimate:"

2. A pop-up will occur asking you to verify whether you have created a project for the estimate that you are about to request:

  1. If there is no project associated with the estimate request, click "No" to continue. Another warning will appear. If you accept the terms, click "Yes" to accept and proceed.
  2. If there is a project associated with the estimate request and you click "Yes," you will be asked to find your project and request your estimate there.

3. Name the estimate and complete the remaining documentation by filling in the following fields in the form — Project Manager/Technician involved in the project, Customer (Policyholder) information, Carrier, Loss address, Loss Type(s), Estimating format, Estimate type, Additional notes & files:

Note: This form should be used only if there is no way to create a Project and request Sketch for it. For example, if you have *.esx sketch already created and it will be provided during next steps of Estimate order creation.

Note: If the “Water” loss type has been selected, choosing a category of water is mandatory:

If you want to request one more estimate, click any of the two “+ Additional estimate” buttons:

4. Once information is complete, click "Request:"

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