- 24 Feb 2025
- 1 Minute to read
Estimate notifications
- Updated on 24 Feb 2025
- 1 Minute to read
There are two methods for setting up estimate notifications:
Method 1: Via Profile Settings
Note: This feature can only be enabled by the Owner or Office account. Once the feature is enabled, the subscriber will receive an email notification every time an estimate order is confirmed or completed in their company or office.
To enable the feature, do the following:
Go to Web Portal > "Circle" icon in the upper right corner of the screen > Profile settings:
Select "Notifications" in the left sidebar. Under "Estimate Request Messages," toggle the "Send to my email address" to "On" by clicking on the toggle switch next to that selection. Click the "Save" button when done:
Setting this toggle on sends estimate notifications to your email address registered at DocuSketch. This means that for any project you create, or that is created under your DocuSketch account, you will be notified once an estimate is requested, ordered, and completed. To disable these estimate notifications, just move the toggle back to the "Off" position.
Note: This feature can be especially useful for companies or office owners who want to be updated on the status of their estimates. It will also help ensure no completed estimates are missed.
Method 2: Via Estimate Request
1. Click the "Request estimate" button on the project card:
2. You will land on the estimate order page where you should click the "Request estimate" button:
3. On the estimate request page, enter the contact information and enable notifications by toggling "Notify about Estimate Request Status" on. This ensures the Project Manager or Technician receives email updates on the project's estimate status:
4. Finish filling in the estimate request form and click "Request:"
Below is an example of the email notification you will receive once this feature is enabled:
Files are also downloadable through the notification email. Simply click on the "Download file" option that corresponds to the type of file required to download.