Reports generation
  • 07 Nov 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
  • PDF

Reports generation

  • PDF

Article summary

Report generation provides the ability to gather necessary project details into one report that can then be shared with operational partners, such as insurance carriers and/or employees within your DocuSketch hierarchy. It allows to gather sketches, dimensions, images, and claim information all in one efficient, simple to use place.

To generate a report, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Start

1. Select the project for which you wish to generate a report and click the "Generate report" button at the right side of your chosen project:

2. You will then be redirected to the Generate Report page. You can then generate a report by clicking the “Generate new report” button:

Note: We recommend requesting sketch and waiting for its delivery before generating a report.

3. A sub-window will appear which has four tabs with information to be filled in. Required information is indicated by the asterisk. Other details are optional, but will add value to your report:

Step 2: Attributes

Fill in the fields which are relevant to your project and click "Next" when done:

The requirements for reports may vary based on the insurance carrier and specific policy guidelines. Use the Custom fields feature to create additional attributes by clicking "Add field:"

Name, Value, and Type of the custom field (text ot date) can be added:

When there are multiple fields, the order of the custom fields can be changed by dragging two horizontal lines next to them:

Step 3: Claim info

On this tab, claim info can be edited. Mind that all of the changes made at this step will be automatically applied to your project and this data will be updated for it:

Step 4: Settings

When generating reports, users may wish to exclude certain content based on the features they use, such as sketches or comments. The need for excluding content may vary depending on the end user or the report recipient. There might be instances where some parts of the report are excluded depending on the information required. The purpose of this feature is to provide convenience for customizing report content:

Options below allow to include or exclude information in the report:

The first option includes all possible information such as floors, rooms, sketches, comments, and more:

The second option allows you to exclude specific information. For instance, if you do not want to include a 360° image in the report, you can exclude it by unticking the checkbox for 360° image, as shown in the image below:

In the event that you have added Timelines in your project, you may also do the same in either including or excluding these Timeline 360° images in your report by unticking the box beside the Timeline360° image:

You also have the capability to add additional notes on each of the 360° images including your Timeline 360° images by clicking on the the "Add note" button as shown below:

Note: You cannot remove a universal entity, such as 360° images, cubic images, comments, and more, for a specific floor level only. If you decide to remove an entity like a 360° image from your report, it will be removed across all floor levels.

The third option allows to exclude a universal entity from the report for a specific floor level and room. For example, you can remove cubic images from all rooms in the basement by unchecking the box for cubic images:

Step 5: Final info

On the Final info tab, add one or more email addresses that will receive the report. Click "Generate report" in the lower right corner of the third tab:

Step 6: Report

Depending on the size of your project, it will take a few minutes to complete and appear on your web portal. When the report has completed, the email address included in the report information fields will receive a notification and link to the report. Note that you can run all the reports you wish as your project develops:

Each time you generate a new report after one was previously generated, all the fields you filled in before will be prefield for you with the information you provided for the report prior to the one which is being generated. You will still be able to edit this information.

Use the action buttons on the right side to delete reports, download reports or view report information:

When you download your report, it can be saved to your computer in PDF format and shared. Note that the report includes clickable fields that link you directly to that portion of your report. The sketches (for both the whole floors and separate rooms) are included on your report as well as comments and comment types:

If you are looking to complete the information in the Claim summary section, remember that the text there comes from the "Claim summary" field from the first step of report generation, along with all comments tagged with the Cause of Loss type.

Each 360° image in your project is included in the report along with the cubic images from the 360° image:

Each individual comment photo/video and text comment is also included if they are added.

Note: Reports can be also generated and downloaded by clicking on the "Download" button on the project card:

Scroll down to the bottom of the window and find the Reports section. Here, you have the ability to generate new reports, download a single report you need or download all of your reports simultaneously:

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